Tornator participates in the climate efforts – the Climate Program increases carbon sequestration and the substitution effects of forest use
Tornator’s ambitious Climate Program aims to increase the carbon sequestration of forest stands by 20 % and the substitution effects of forest use by 50 % during the program period 2021—2030.
The significance of the forests for the climate can be seen in the fact that the positive climatic effects of Tornator’s forests during the baseline year 2020 offset four-fifths of the emissions of the Finnish car fleet or the emissions of energy consumption in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Sustainable forestry has achieved a significant carbon sink over the decades. We aim to grow this baseline by the aforementioned percentages during the next ten-year period. It is also noteworthy that the measures are not taken at the expense of biodiversity. The newly published Climate Program and the Tornator’s previously launched Biodiversity Program 2021–2030 serve as the company’s roadmap for sustainable forestry.
“Forests have a much bigger role in mitigating climate change than just acting as a carbon stock. Maintaining a continuous carbon flow and utilising renewable natural resources is essential for the climate. By managing our forests sustainably, we can generate as much well-being as we possibly can. At the same time, we can also create the highest possible amount of positive effects on the climate”, explains Henrik Nieminen, the CEO of Tornator.
Active forest management plays a vital role in the quest for positive climate effects
With this program, Tornator improves the viability of the forests and the growth of the forest stands, and thus increases carbon sequestration through a number of measures.
“Among other things, concrete measures include fertilising forests, utilising bred saplings, and preserving rich and diverse forest stands”, Nieminen notes.
The concrete measures of the Climate Program also include completing fellings and forest management operations on time. “By managing our forests sustainably, we can produce the highest possible amount of positive climate effects with them. We can mitigate the soil carbon dioxide emissions by maintaining stable water levels in the drained peatlands and restoring natural sites unsuitable for wood production”, Nieminen says.
The goal of replacing fossil raw materials with one hundred wind turbines
Based on widely accepted research, reducing fossil fuel emissions is the key to mitigating climate change. With the Climate Program, Tornator promotes the construction of wind power on the company’s lands, Nieminen says.
“By the end of the program period, our goal is to have over one hundred wind turbines running on the company’s lands to replace the production of fossil energy. We are also working towards replacing fossil raw materials with renewable wood raw materials in increasing amounts.”
We monitor and report on the implementation of the measures and the goals we reach annually, in conjunction with corporate social responsibility reporting. Read more about Tornator’s climate and biodiversity programs on our website.
For further information, please contact:
CEO Henrik Nieminen, tel. +358 40 869 7613,
Quality and Development Specialist Tapio Suutarla, +358 40 016 2790,
Tornator’s Climate Program 2021–2030
The goal of the Climate Program is to increase the carbon sequestration of the forest stands by 20 % and the substitution effects of the forests by 50 % during the program period. Tornator participates in the climate efforts by increasing the growth of the forest stands, mitigating soil emissions, and promoting both wind power and the use of renewable wood raw material to replace emissions from fossil raw materials. The implementation of the measures and the reached goals will be monitored annually, in conjunction with corporate social responsibility reporting.
Tornator’s Biodiversity Program 2021–2030
The goal of the Biodiversity Program is to safeguard and increase the biodiversity of Tornator’s forests by introducing new ways to improve biodiversity, enhancing active nature management measures, protecting valuable areas, continuing with efficient stakeholder cooperation, and monitoring the impact that the measures have on biodiversity. Measures under the Biodiversity Program improve the status of endangered forest species and habitats, ecosystem services and water protection, and game management, as well as the mitigation of climate change.