The target for increasing the carbon sequestration of growing stock is 20% above the current level. The factors to be monitored are the use of genetically improved nursery stock, the correct allocation of felling and forest management, fertilisation, the acquisition of additional land and other measures to increase the rate of growth of growing stock. Various indicators can be used to assess actual levels of carbon sequestration, but to some degree in increases in sequestration have to be inferred from the forestry company’s own quality monitoring results and averaged figures from research results. Evaluations are always carried out annually based on the best information available.
The target for increasing substitutability effects is 50 per cent above the current level. The factors to be monitored are the increase in felling opportunities and the progress made in commissioning wind farms for electricity generation. Data on results is obtained on the basis of actual felling volumes and the utilisation rates of the commissioned wind farms.
The results of Tornator’s climate programme are communicated in a number of ways, for instance in our annual Green Finance Investor letter.